The Process

From Birth to New Family
Baby Cats
Deposits are $250.00 per kitten which holds a kitten for you. We do not “auction” kittens, once we’ve received your deposit and you’ve selected your kitten, that kitten is yours alone, not sold to a higher bidder. We consider the deposit as a binding contract of intent to purchase, however we realize that life can throw curveballs and even the best intent can be thwarted, thus deposits may be refundable.
Kitten choice is based on deposits received — first come, first served — after they are born and photos are posted, if you see a kitten that you love, send your deposit as soon as possible! You can contact us at to see where you are in line for kitten choice. If all kittens have been spoken for, we will let you know beforehand.
Once we have received your deposit, we will send you a copy of our contract which explains what you can expect from us and what we expect from you in caring for your new family member.
Pricing & Coat Development
Kitten prices range from $1,800 to $2,200 — Prices are set at 10-11 weeks old, but a good estimate can be made at about 8 weeks.
Toygers have a short, smooth, silky coat that glitters when the sun shines on it. Shedding is minimal and while there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic cat, Toygers tend to cause less allergic reactions due to this type of coat.
Kittens are born black and white, their tawny color begins to develop at around 6 weeks, but full coat development, both in color and texture, takes about 10 months to a year to fully mature.
As kittens, their coats go through various stages, one of those being very fuzzy which makes their markings hard to distinguish. Later, their stripes darken and have more contrast. Prices are based on how close the kitten is to the Toyger Breed Standards and can’t fully be determined until they are older, 10 to 12 weeks. This is why you will see a price range listed for each kitten on our Available Kittens page.
Visiting and Socialization
We breed for beauty and temperament, so socializing is extremely important because we want our kittens to be as friendly and affectionate as possible. While each kitten has its own unique personality, some friendlier, some quieter than others, we spend as much time as possible with our kittens, handling them, holding them, petting them, grooming and playing with them. We have kitten-buddies who also come to play with them so “strangers” aren’t frightening. If you are within driving range and would like to visit your kitten, you are always welcome! The more the merrier!
Here’s a short clip of a typical morning greeting from our kittens — turn your sound up for purrs and chatter: Baby Toygers say Good Morning!
We do have Visiting Requirements…..
Kittens can be visited but not handled until after their first set of vaccinations which is at 8 weeks old. We want to keep them as safe and healthy as possible and the only immunity they have is what they receive via their mother’s milk until after their first set of vaccinations. When visiting, we ask that you remove your shoes and wash your hands so as not to inadvertently carry any unwanted antigens into the kitten room.
Veterinarian Visits & Immunizations
Our kittens have their first visit to the veterinarian at 8 weeks old to have a health exam, first vaccinations and deworming. At 12 weeks they are neutered or spayed. At 13 weeks, they have another health exam and vaccination booster before they are ready to travel to their new families. We do not over vaccinate our kittens as it is stressful on their immune system and they are indoor-only cats with no contact with other animals. We require you to have them vet-checked once they’ve settled in; you can discuss further vaccinations with your vet.
Delivery fees are not included in the price of the kitten. We will provide a carrier, a harness, accident pads and some food that your kitten is used to eating. Travel arrangements will be your responsibility and we will do our best to help with arrangements of that if needed.