Look what I found!

        TOYGERS !

I’m a goner!
No looking back now—I gotta have one of these striped darlings!

These exotic kitties are derived from the Bengal cat and were developed to raise awareness for the vanishing tigers. (Toyger is a portmanteau for Toy Tiger). Yep, this not only now the cat of my dreams, but a new hobby dream, too. I wonder if I could get a breeding couple and raise a litter…hmmm. I poked around the internet looking for breeders who had experience and would be willing to mentor me in this new venture and I landed on DesignerStripes in Illinois. I emailed an inquiry and I was delighted that Helen got right back to me today.

The Toyger “couple” is off the table as she informed me that the males are enthusiastic about spraying — ewww, that would wreck a house in no time. It appears that most of the catteries who keep stud males have a special little building for them and since I don’t have room in my back yard for a special little building, I’m looking at only a female. I wonder what the wait time is for one?

RW SGC DesignerStripes Amber Onyx
Photo used by permission