
I had a lovely and enlightening phone conversation with Claudia of JubalKatz who raised this way handsome chap Teddy. She knows Helen well and both of these women raise champion Toygers and are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the breed while at the same time, pushing towards the ideal breed standards. Claudia lives in Wyoming about 9 hours from me, maybe I’ll get visit her next summer. Most of the cat shows have been cancelled because of COVID, so it won’t be easy to meet Toyger folks right now, but hopefully in the future. Not like I’m going to be showing the cat I get, but perhaps when I retire my husband and I can get an RV, travel the country, hitting up cat shows with our champion Toyger girl and riding all the bike trails! — hey, I can dream, can’t I?


RW SGC JubalKatz My Teddy Winked
Photo used by permission